

Not everything that happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. At the London International Awards in Vegas last week, I caught up with an old colleague from Shanghai.He reminded me that ‘雷劲’ was the Chinese translation of my name at JWT HK. It means “thunder power”. Well… it was a blast to have been part of […]

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Is it time, money, freedom, something else? All those things are definitely important, but it turns out one of the most important things to cultivate is how and where you place your attention. In a noisy, crowded world with an abundance of information and things coming at us every day, it’s never been more important […]

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Only 100 days left in 2019…

DISCIPLINE = FREEDOM (That’s the theory) But why are some things easier to be disciplined about than others. It comes down to how they rank in urgency and importance. Here’s the motivational matrix that works for me.

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Creative Copywriter

Personal brand is just like money, love and success; as a creative copywriter it’s one thing to make it… and quite another to keep it.  I position myself as the creative’s creative. Working with directors and producers to win them more work and help them develop stronger, more vibrant personal brands. The mantra that drives […]

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Wisdom is the blend of love and intelligence. I don’t know about that but I do know this. The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master… control it or it will control you.

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Creativity is not an act. It’s a habit.

I used to have more filthy habits than the Mother Superior when the plague was in town…. slowly that’s changed for the better. As part of my personal brand offensive, I’ve shot a video a day since Cannes and for the last 30 days been on the Whole 30 – kinda like keto for Kardashians. 

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Pissed that your life isn’t on par with Dan Bilzerian? Or even a minor league Kardashian? Then fuck off social and get back into the real world and experience situational happiness. And be grateful for that!

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